Delivering reliable, quality medical device training to clinicians all over the world

Isansys is a world-leading digital healthcare company which has developed a scalable patient monitoring platform. Isansys wanted an online platform that would complement their high-quality face to face training and help them onboard new clinicians to their patient devices.

Our challenge was to help Isansys reinforce face-to-face training, with high quality and engaging online learning. We needed to do it in a way that would work in a hospital setting, for a busy workforce who don’t have a designated desk or a set time that they could complete the training.

Keeping clinicians engaged with microlearning

With Synap, Isansys were able to break their training down into short digestible sessions that could be done on the go and easily picked back up after a break. Synap is incredibly easy to use and manage, so clinicians don’t have to waste time trying to locate their training materials. This means more time is spent engaging with the content.

We worked with Isansys to include small ‘micro assessments’ throughout their training. We ensured that users were engaging with content and understood each aspect of the device before they progressed.

Synap offered expert advice on best practices for developing engaging content and how to organise items logically to boost staff engagement with their training.

GDPR compliant

As the training platform would be used in hospitals, Synap’s system needed to be safe and secure so that it would meet the standards of hospital regulations.