Detailed, actionable analytics

Advanced, visual analytics and reporting that provides in-depth insight into candidate and question performance.

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Delivering exams online with Synap

Visual analytics

In-depth, insightful grade distribution

Provide a data-driven learning experience with detailed performance analytics. Empowering you to gain a deeper insight into a candidates’ score, percentile, and how they compare to the cohort average and the standard deviation.

Score distribution
Exam categories
Question breakdown
Progress graphs
breakdown of exam questions

Detailed data

Monitor candidates in real-time

Track the progress of every candidate in an easy-to-use table format. See if users have started their exam, their time allowed, the marking status, and their grades, to manage their exam end-to-end.

Live data feed
Candidate results
Exam progress
CSV export
weighted answers

Question statistics

Analyse candidate response patterns

View average scores and response distribution per answer option. An imbalance, especially toward wrong answers, highlights areas for extra practice and potentially ambiguous questions needing rewording in future exams for unbiased assessments.

Question breakdown
Item discrimination


Sync your exam data across systems

Send exam results to systems of your choice (e.g. databases, CRMs, etc.), using our APIs or Zapier integration. Whether you wish to receive just the score, grade and time spent by candidates, or a full breakdown per question and category, you can seamlessly sync the exam data to your favourite tools.

APIs & Zapier
Custom reporting
overview of analytics

Deliver secure online exams and courses with ease

Explore how Synap can help save you time and streamline your workload with a demo tailored to your needs.

An online exam loaded within Synap's web UI