Multiple language support
Deliver unlimited exams, practice tests & courses
Anti-cheat features & lockdown
Candidate & question analytics
CSV import & export
Branded certificates
Branded platform
Zapier integration
Synoptic & AI proctoring
3x Admin accounts
Chat support
Additional users: $2.40/m
Custom domain & white-labelling
API access & webhooks
Custom educator roles & permissions
Double, blind & anonymous grading
Multi-factor authentication
Custom data fields & attributes
Custom certificates
Unlimited Admin & Manager accounts
Priority Chat & Zoom support
Additional users: $2.40/m
Single-Sign On
White-labelled sub-portals
LTI integration
Records of learning
Dynamic messages & variables
IP restriction
Regional data hosting
Professional services
RFP & ITT requests
Customer Success Manager
Additional users: $2.40/m
All the features of our Business plan, with bespoke integrations and implementation services for large organisations, or projects with specific requirements
Speak to SalesCustom features
Custom reports & integrations
AI + Human question generation
AI-based grading
White-labelled mobile apps
Staging environment
Enhanced SLAs
Custom legal terms
Audit logs
Student & educator support
Professional services
Dedicated Account Manager
Multiple language support
Mobile friendly interface
All modern browsers supported
Unique subdomain
Unlimited data retention
99.9% Uptime SLA
WCAG 2.1 AA / Section 508 compliant
GDPR Compliant
Backups & disaster recovery
AES-256 / TLS 1.2+ encryption
Data portability
Personalised, 1:1 onboarding
Access to new features
All question types
Custom tagging of questions
Dynamic exams from question banks
Timed, untimed & practice mode
Randomise questions & answers
Candidate exam tools
Spaced learning algorithms
Authoring tools
CSV question import & export
Email & link invites
Extra time
Revoking attempts
Stop copying & pasting
Lockdown browser
Multi-factor authentication
IP restriction
Synoptic proctoring
AI proctoring
Grade boundaries
Weighted & partial marks
Rubric marking
Automatic & manual marking
General & personalised feedback
Branded certificates
Assign markers
Double marking
Blind marking
Anonymous marking
Custom certificates
Live data feed
Detailed exam review
Score distribution
Tag breakdown graphs
Question breakdown
Progress graphs
Question breakdown
CSV export of results
Question statistics
Custom analytics
Videos, presentations, plus more
Manual reviews
Set deadlines
Branded certificates
SCORM / TinCan
Custom domain & email
Custom data fields & attributes
Custom roles & permissions
Mobile app access
Records of learning
Dynamic messages & variables
Regional data hosting
Data storage
Google Analytics
API access & webhooks
Single-Sign On (SSO)
Integration with an LMS
Data Warehousing / BI Integration
Personalised onboarding package
Ongoing support
Customer Success Manager
Dedicated Account Manager
Standard Uptime SLA
Enhanced SLA
Also known as our 'pay as you go' plan, this is a flexible option that is ideal if you are delivering a certain number of exams or courses in a year. Just pay for the total number of exams/courses you plan on delivering!
Also known as our 'monthly active user' plan, this is perfect if your candidates take a high number of exams or courses regularly. A monthly active user can take unlimited exams, practice tests and courses, and just count as one active user.
A ‘Credit’ refers to one user starting an unproctored exam or course on Synap. So if one user takes two unproctored exams, this is two credits. The breakdown for credits is as follows:
A Monthly Active User (MAU) is someone who uses the platform in a given 30-day period. Users who are simply registered on the platform but do not use it will not count towards your MAU quota.
For example, if you have 1,000 users on your platform but only 500 actively using it in a month, you'll only be charged for the 500 active users, which we feel is fairer.
Plans based on MAUs means you're not billed based on exams or courses started, so your active users can take as many assessments as you wish!
Yes, absolutely! Many of our clients experience some busier and quieter months, so their usage and user numbers fluctuate in a year.
Our 'pay per assessment' plan is ideal, as you purchase a certain number of credits, and you can use these credits whenever you wish throughout the year.
Please speak to our team to find the best plan for you, and we'll take into account your seasonal spikes.
If you're not sure which plan to choose - don't worry! Click the 'Get Started' button to arrange a demo with one of our experts - we can then learn more about your requirments and recommend a plan that best suits your needs.
Getting started with Synap is quick and simple! Click the 'Get Started' button to arrange a short 30 minute demo, so you can see Synap in action and discuss your plans with one of our experts.
Afterwards, you can get started with a 14-day free trial, where you immediately begin creating your exams or courses. Your onboarding manager will offer support, advice and best practices to help maximise your free trial.
Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial - you can cancel any time and there are no long-term commitments.
The trial is a great opportunity to create your exams or courses and try out the various features. All plans come with a personalised onboarding package to help you get up-and-running. Click the 'Get Started' button to arrange a demo and get started with your free trial today!
Yes! All of our plans come with a personalised onboarding package, where our friendly team will help you get started with your Synap platform and answer any questions you may have.
We'll also learn more about what you're looking to achieve, and offer ongoing support, advice and best practices to help you achieve your goals.
Yes, absolutely. All your content is your own intellectual property and we don't reuse it, sell it, or share it with others.
Yes - at Synap, we take the protection of customer data extremely seriously. Synap uses physical, logical, and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your information. We are GDPR compliant and our data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
Please view our Security Policy for more information.
Explore how Synap can help save you time and streamline your workload with a demo tailored to your needs.