Taking a Rosalyn-proctored exam on Synap

Information for Candidates

This page contains useful information for candidates who have been registered to take an exam on Synap, that is being proctored (monitored) by our partner Rosalyn. Please read it carefully as it will help to ensure you have a smooth experience on the day!

What is Synap, and what is Rosalyn?

Synap is an online examination platform used by different organisations to deliver secure online assessments. Rosalyn is an online proctoring platform who we partner with to add additional security and monitoring options for our exams

Rosalyn's software is offered as a desktop application for Mac and Windows computers. It ensures that your exam is taken under secure settings by recording your screen, webcam and microphone for the duration of the exam. It uses a unique 'human in the loop' approach whereby suspicious behaviour is flagged by AI, but all interventions and decisions are made by a trained (human) proctor.

What do I need to take the exam?

Your organisation will provide you with instructions on how to access your exam - including a URL, your username (usually your email address) and instructions on how to set a password on your account

Ahead of the real exam, your organisation may invite you to take a Systems Check. This is a mock exam with a range of sample questions designed to help you familiarise yourself with the Synap platform, and to test whether your device and network settings are sufficient for the real exam. We strongly recommend that you take the opportunity to do a systems check if it is offered, because it will help you to identify any issues with your device and address them ahead of the exam.

In order to take a Rosalyn-proctored exam on Synap, you will need a computer and internet access that meets ALL of the requirements below. We strongly recommend using a personal device where you have the ability to install applications and grant permissions. Sometimes with work-issued devices you may find that you need additional permissions from your IT team, so it is much simpler if you take the exam on a device which you have full control over.

Operating System - Any of the following
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • MacOS High Sierra
  • MacOS Catalina
  • MacOS Monterey
  • MacOS Ventura
  • MacOS Big Sur
Browsers - Any of the following
  • Google Chrome - Latest Version (Preferred)
  • Mozilla Firefox - Latest Version
  • Microsoft Edge - Latest Version
  • Apple Safari - Latest Version
Hardware Requirements - All of the following
  • Working webcam
  • Working microphone
  • At least 2GB RAM
  • At least 300Mb available hard drive space
Network Requirements
  • Broadband internet with a minimum upload/download speed of 500Kb/s
What do I need to install?

Synap itself works as a web-application so does not need installing. However, when you start your exam on Synap, you will be guided through a process to download and install the Rosalyn desktop application. You do not need to download this ahead of time, but if you would like to then you can use the links below.

Please note that whilst the Rosalyn application should open once installed, it is designed to be opened as a part of the examination process so you will just see a holding page and will not be able to access any exams on it until the day of your exam. We only recommend downloading the application ahead of time if you have a particular concern about your device or network settings, or if you need permission from your employer's IT team to install applications and therefore need to pre-install it ahead of the exam